How does pure jaggery taste? – Trần Gia
How does pure jaggery taste?

How does pure jaggery taste?

How does pure jaggery taste?

Many THNOT customers will often ask Tran Gia what is the best way to spice up pure jaggery , this is a very good question and explains why jaggery is so popular with many customers. widely used and can almost be used to replace white granulated sugar completely, let's find out with Tran Gia what flavor is hidden behind the sweetness of An Giang palm sugar

How does pure jaggery taste?

I. What is palm sugar? How to make pure jaggery

Palm sugar is a specialty of An Giang land, found and produced in 2 large districts, Tinh Bien and Tri Ton, with abundant reserves of jaggery, so the source of raw materials for cooking sugar is very rich and natural. The juice (water) from jasmine pistil is exploited in the best and most quality way, it can be said that pure jaggery produced from 2 districts of Tinh Bien and Tri Ton is the best quality jaggery products.

The jaggery juice, after being extracted from the pistil, will be cooked into jaggery as soon as it is harvested to avoid natural sour yeast that reduces the quality of the ingredients. The jaggery juice is poured into a large pan on the stove. with earth and the sugar cook will start stirring the water frequently to let the steam evaporate and leave the sugar in a liquid form, the process from starting on the stove to cooking the sugar will take 5-6 hours and All completely handmade.

For many people who don't know jaggery red (premium) and yellow jaggery (common type) are both pure jaggery, the color is different due to purity and time of harvest. jaggery juice will affect the color and classification of jaggery, so the price of jaggery will also be different .

THNOT . Premium Palm Sugar


Popular Palm Sugar Moun7ains


II. What will pure jaggery taste like?

Pure jaggery will have the following properties:

  • Outer appearance : Usually has 2 colors, red-brown and yellow, durable, smooth surface, no white veins, impurity residues appear.
  • Fragrance : Mild sugar smell, can smell a slight burning smell and sugar smell because of manual cooking.
  • Fineness : Log absolutely fine, you can use anything to scrape lightly on sugar will split the road smooth puree and dissolve upon contact temperature
  • Solubility : Dissolve immediately when mixed with water, cook, put in mouth... Very strong solubility, almost no residue

How does pure jaggery taste?

Pure jaggery has a sweet, light taste, not too harsh, does not cause boredom if eaten directly, has a slight burning smell, but also has a sweet taste due to manual cooking , the natural sweetness of jaggery is not the same as sweetness. Chemical sugar or cane sugar, beet sugar is normal, pure sweetness is not overwhelmed by other flavors and also reverses other flavors, so jaggery is used to make milk tea and other drinks like coffee. , black tea… Being very popular.

Dishes that are replaced by jaggery have a darker, barier, and slightly sweeter flavor, suitable for cakes, tea, braised dishes, rim dishes, salads... Replacing white granulated sugar with jasmine sugar does not not only make the dish more delicious but also increase the nutritional value of the meal and add nutrients to the family members.

III. Palm sugar how much is reasonable?

The price of jaggery depends on the classification of jaggery, Tran Gia would like to provide the best retail price list on the current market as follows:

Retail price of Tran Gia palm sugar

Product's name

Product categories

Retail price



Moun7ains jaggery tablets 500g



VND 29,000

Concentrated palm sugar Moun7ains jar 1kg



VND 58,000

jaggery powder Moun7ains 200g box



VND 36,000

jaggery powder Moun7ains jar 300g



VND 58,000

Palm sugar THNOT pellets 500g



VND 37,000

THNOT jaggery concentrate 1kg jar



VND 74,000

jaggery powder THNOT jar 300g



VND 99,000

THNOT Special Concentrated Palm Sugar, 1kg jar



VND 126,000


IV. Where to buy wholesale & retail palm sugar?


Tran Gia  is the leading supplier of palm sugar in Vietnam with the best price for our customers and partners.

Tran Gia is  always committed to the quality and price of its products to ensure that customers get the best value when using products from us.

If you want to buy jaggery in bulk at good prices or want to be  a nationwide distributor of jaggery , you can immediately contact the public through the information at the end of the article for advice and receive a wholesale price list of sugar. uttered to himself.



  • Mail:
  • Phone number for wholesale purchase: 090 317 9326 Mr. Nghi
  • Phone number/zalo for retail purchase: 093 262 9326 Tran Gia
  • Zalo Offical: Tran Gia Specialty PT One Member Co., Ltd